Packing Tips for Carry On Luggage
The following packing tips for carry on luggage are the three items I always pack first. Flying on an airplane can give you the feeling of being a sardine, even if you are in Business or First Class. Preparing ahead for a flight is mandatory to have the best experience and once you have it down, you won’t be second guessing yourself about what to pack. Here are my three top absolutely necessary items to take on a flight; whether it is 1 hour or 5 hours or 15 hours.
For me, this is the Number One item on the packing list. Several years ago before traveling to China I realized I needed something to keep me warm on airplanes and motor coaches. My research led me to Pashmina and the hunt for the perfect one that would meet my needs for warmth and fashion accessory. A Pashmina is a scarf or shawl but not just any scarf or shawl. Pashminas are made from the finest grade of cashmere wool, from certain goats raised in the Himalayas. The wool is the world’s finest and provides the most luxurious warmth. A Pashmina Scarf is a luxury fashion statement, and can be added to a dress with spaghetti straps or over jeans. Versatility makes it essential for travel on planes, trains, and automobiles.
Airplanes can be very cold, an extra layer of warmth is usually required to stay comfortable. Blankets distributed on the plane are not only limited, but the cleanliness is questionable. Ick! Drape a pashmina over your shoulders and you will increase your warmth immediately, If my Pashmina could talk it would tell you of travel to China, Thailand, Hong Kong, London, Paris, New York, Las Vegas, Ft. Lauderdale, New Orleans, Napa, and more.
This item can be different for each traveler. Some people enjoy doing a craft and others would rather read. Reading (and sleeping) are my preferred way to pass the time. My personal choice is an electronic device, such as a Kindle, Kindle Fire, Nook or even a tablet such as an iPad. It can help you avoid speaking to a boring seat mate (smile). The variety of topics it holds will not only keep you interested, but also lighten your load.
Gone are the days when you take a vacation and have to pack a stack of books. They will even hold your magazine subscriptions. In a word, they are WONDERFUL! If you haven’t moved to the electronic reader, what are you waiting for? One argument I hear is that you can’t share the book with your friends and that is absolutely right. But, how many books have you carried with you and left on the ship, at the resort or hotel room because packing a book takes up room for those purchases you made during “Retail Therapy”.
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The final item is essential for comfort, especially if flying on long flights. Clogs are a great choice but my favorite shoes to fly in are Crocs, UGLY, yes, but so simple to take off and put on again. The TSA is slowly moving away from the requirement to remove your shoes, but it is still there at this time. TSA Pre-check is a new system that allows you to keep your shoes and jackets on and allows you to leave your 1 quart bag in your luggage. It’s a hit or miss system for everyone except the people who pay for the privilege of receiving TSA pre-check. This doesn’t even mean you will always receive it, sometimes you may have to go through the regular line at their whim. The bottom line is always be prepared to remove your shoes just in case.
If you have read to this point, the you receive a BONUS. One more essential for carry on bags.
The BONUS not only reduces or eliminates cabin noise, it also gives better sound for the inflight movie or music when plugged into the airplane’s sound system. There are a variety of brands and range of prices to choose from. Google “Noise Cancelling Headphones” do your homework.
Now it’s your turn. What do you think is most important to have on a plane ride for COMFORT! Maybe you need to have a video game, chocolate chip cookies, earplugs or eye shades. Let us know your thoughts.
You could spend endless hours searching the internet and still never know if you are getting
what you want or you can hire a professional travel planner.
The choice is yours, continue searching, or leave it to me to simplify even the most complicated of itineraries for you.
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